Xbox One vs PS4 vs Switch: Console and Game Sales Numbers

The battle of the next-gen consoles is on between Microsoft’s Xbox One,  Sony’s PlayStation 4, and Nintendo’s Switch. Ever since the announcement, the companies have gone back and forth at each other for winning over fans and getting high sales for the platform. The Sony and Microsoft released the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One back in November 2013, while the Nintendo Switch launched in March 2017. All of the consoles have had plenty of time to convince the buyers, so it is only appropriate that we do a comparison of the console and game sales numbers.

VGChartz has gathered the latest sales numbers for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch Worldwide. The data is up to the month of January 2018. The Sony PlayStation 4 has crossed the 75 million mark, the Microsoft Xbox One has reached 36 million mark and the Switch has already achieved 14 million mark.

Considering the late entry of the Nintendo Switch (8 months old), the sales numbers are quite remarkable as the switch already has almost 11% market share. In comparison, Xbox One has 29% and Playstation 4 has massive 60% market share over 4 years. If the Nintendo Switch is able to sustain the growth, then in 4 years, it would have outsold the PS4 with projected sales number of 86M (almost 11.4M more than PS4 sales after 4 years).

In summary, PS4 is leading the pact with no signs of slowdown and Nintendo’s Switch is also selling like crazy (outsold the competition during holiday season) and Xbox sales have increased after the launch of the One X.