The Apple Watch: Is it worth the money?

Apple was originally all about making great technology, as well as creating devices that could perform and make life easier for their users.

Yet the current market has witnessed the Apple brand lean towards making their products more versatile, and no where is this more obvious than the development of the Apple Watch.

Prior to recent developments, smart watches were only used by modders and innovators – but this new incarnation may open up the watch to a wider market. The Apple Watch has a premium feel with impressive smartphone capabilities, and has been designed to be the ultimate personal device – bridging the gap between technology and personal wear.

Yet the battle between whether this is a piece of revolutionary technology or a waste of money rages on. So in an attempt to settle the debate, this blog is going to look at the watch in detail, before hoping to find the answer to this question once and for all.


There are six different versions of the Apple Watch, with the following three available in two different sizes each:

  • Apple Watch
  • Apple Watch Sport
  • Apple Watch Edition

Image result for apple watch vs sport vs edition

The versatile nature of the watch sizes make them appropriate for a wide array of users. What’s more, when it comes to the strap combination, there are 34 different options that really allow Apple customers to personalise the device exactly to their taste.

The actual watch face is a small scale version of something similar to an iPhone 6 and an iPod Nano, and the rounded edges of the device also make it sit nicely on the wrist.

Yet whilst this may seem like a pleasant prospect, some may be put off by the chunky design that is also rather weighty for those with smaller wrists.


Apple have managed to utilise an operating system within the watch that isn’t too far from the usual Apple device format. The crown works as a scroll wheel, which zooms in and out of the interface. This ensures the watch can be operated no matter how big or small your fingers are.

But that’s not all. The Apple watch also lets users manage their contacts and even make digital payments via their watch device. The interface is simple to use and is all available with just one click of a button.

It may come as a surprise to some that the crown is smooth when twisted, as most expect the click that a watch would provide. Being able to have greater functionality with less reliance on the touch screen is a great advantage that Apple should have used more with earlier devices.

However, for a lot of people, the spherical interface will seem strange. It’s a large step away from previous Apple systems – and instead of square apps, the watch has circular ones that need to be hit precisely in the centre to open.

Yet one of the most interesting differences between this device and the regular Apple models is the contact app. You can perform some new and unique tasks with this now, an example of which is that it’s possible to draw pictures and send them as an image. What’s more, you can also send vibrations to other people by pressing the screen with two fingers – effectively sending over a heart rate image via vibrations to someone else’s wrist.

Other than that, the Apple Watch sticks to the standard features you can expect from a smartphone, including receiving calls and sending messages.

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that this device is supposed to be used alongside an iPhone, so without one, it’s capabilities are vastly restricted.

Health and Fitness

As soon as Apple announced they were creating a smartwatch, people were adamant that there would be a large focus on the health market due to other successful fitness bracelet devices.

Unfortunately, early tests to incorporate a blood pressure monitor and stress sensor into the device failed, so the current model won’t feature any of these innovative benefits.

This is a huge shame, as it could have been a major selling point that would appeal to an even bigger potential market. However, it’s now up to app developers to create applications that can utilise this technology to its fullest potential – although there are plenty of restrictions in place due to the small nature of the device.


A defining factor for the success of a technology product for a large amount of people is the battery life. Apple have already confirmed that the Apple Watch will need to be charged every day. And considering regular watches can last years on the same battery, it’s fair to say that this is a disappointment.

However, you can turn the GPS off which would make it last longer, but it’s estimated that the battery will only last for a maximum of two days even if so.

But at least the charger is interesting. It’s a unique item that latches onto the back of the watch by using magnets. But even though this looks impressive, it’s likely it will also cost a significant amount of money to replace should you damage it, especially when compared to the price of a standard charging cable.

How Does It Compare To Other Devices?

The Apple Watch has a number of modern technologies that allow it to stand out when compared to other smart watches already available. Firstly, the ability to perform mobile payments is an attractive prospect, as it makes it much easier to pay for items in shops or online.

When it comes to the operating system, Apple have created a new one from scratch. This means that there will be a variety of new and intuitive apps that have never been seen before on previous devices or smart watches.

Yet this isn’t without its own issues. For example, app developers may not be eager to invest in new software until the watch has demonstrated that it will sell. This could be a large turn off for a lot of people who may feel there aren’t enough apps for them to consider purchasing the device.

Is It Worth It?

Now comes the final question, is the Apple Watch actually worth it?

We all know that there is a lot of competition with this new technology, but we believe that if you’re an Apple fan, this new gadget would be a great addition to your accessories.

Given the fact that to use an Apple Watch, you must already own an iPhone, getting your hands on one entails more than just purchasing the Watch itself. This means that the cost of this smartwatch includes the price of a mobile phone contract as well, something which could prove to be too much of a commitment for the casual fan.